PDO Amyndeon (ΠΟΠ Αμύνταιο)
The PDO Amyndeon (ΠΟΠ Αμύνταιο) zone (est. 1972) stretches in the southeastern part of the Florina district and mostly on the plateau of the area of Amynteo (Amynteo, Agios Panteleimon, Klidi, Xino Nero, Petres, Rodonas, Fanos), in the area of Aetos (Aetos, Agrapidies, Anargyri, Pedino), Filota (Antigonos, Vegora, Levea ), and Variko (Variko). The altitudes range from 570m to 750m. The plateau is girded by “the 3 V’s”, i.e., the mountains of Vermio (2,052m), Vitsi (2,128m), and Voras (2,554m). Two lakes are also part of the plateau’s terrain: Vegoritida, the largest of the two, is at the plateau’s northeasternmost tip with half of its surface belonging to the district of Pella. Petron, the second lake, lies west of Vegoritida almost halfway through the plateau. One of the PDO Amyndeon zone’s characteristics is its sandy soil which has resulted in the presence of many relatively old, self-rooted vines.
PDO Amyndeon is the northernmost and has the highest average elevation (615m) among the four PDO wine zones in which the Xinomavro variety is cultivated. The other three zones are PDO Goumenissa, PDO Naoussa and PDO Rapsani. Xinomavro and Amyndeo have always been linked in the production of both red and rosé wines, due to the particular favorable mesoclimate of the Amyndeo plateau. Case in point, these wine types account for most of the area’s total production. What is more, the area’s PDO blush (rosé) wine is the only one produced anywhere in Greece.
Xinomavro 100%
Wine type
- Dry rosé
- Dry red
- Sparkling dry rosé
- Sparkling semi- dry rosé