Greek Wine Night @ Jancis Robinson

Sourse: Jancis Robinson

Tickets are now on sale for our very first tasting event devoted to the excellent wines of Greece’s top producers on Sunday 13 October. See Julia’s articles on Santorini and Tinos to whet your appetite for these stunning wines.

On Sunday 13 October we will be holding our first Greek Wine Night, in our usual setting of Caravan King’s Cross that is so easy for Londoners to get to.

We are all massive fans of Greece’s distinctive and varied wines that have come such a long way in the last decade or two – none more so than Julia. She has been hard at work sifting through her many notes on wines tasted both in London and Greece to come up with a mouth-watering selection of more than 40 of the finest wines Greece is now producing.

She will give a brief introduction and tasters will, as usual, be given a tasting booklet with a considerable amount of detail on every wine. Our tasting events, always inspired by wines we think deserve wider recognition, are self-pour, using Jancis’s beautiful wine glass to enhance the wines’ undoubted qualities.

Caravan’s chefs will as usual be providing delicious, easy-to-eat food during the second half of the tasting.

We don’t run these events to make a profit. Any surplus will be donated to a charity of the Greek wine producers’ choice. We are delighted to have been able to donate just over £2,000 from our Cru Bourgeois Night last June (pictured above right) to the charity chosen by representatives of the Alliance des Crus Bourgeois du Médoc, the very worthwhile New Horizon Youth Centre based just a stone’s throw from where we hold our wine tastings.

There will also be a chance to buy the brand new, eighth edition of The World Atlas of Wine (published on 3 October) at a discount on the usual price of £50 (we hope – it depends on the bookseller), and I will be happy to sign them for anyone who would like that. Julia, who was responsible for the all-important maps, might be persuaded to too.

Please note that our next tasting event, dedicated to the fine Nebbiolos of Valtellina, is scheduled for Sunday 1 December.

Tickets are £75 a head for all these wines and food. No refunds, but if there is a waiting list we will do our best to find someone to take the ticket off your hands.

WHAT Greek Wine Night

WHEN 6.30–9 pm Sunday 13 October

WHERE Caravan King’s Cross, London N1C 4AA

HOW MUCH  £75 a head

HOW Click here