The National Interprofessional Organization of Vine and Wine (EDOAO) is the host of this portal for Greece’s vineyards and its contemporary and high quality wines.
The National Interprofessional Organization of Vine and Wine of Greece established in 2000 from the institutions KEOSOE (CENTRAL UNION OF VINE AND WINE PRODUCING COOPERATIVE ORGANIZATIONS OF GREECE), which is a third degree branch cooperative organization, and SEO (GREEK WINE FEDERATION), which represents the majority of private wine producers.
The Interprofessional Organization of Vine and Wine has been recognized as national by the Hellenic Agricultural Ministry since 2001 (Decision No 339097/9-2-2001) and represents both vine and wine sectors in Greece.
Some of the basic aims of the Organization are to:
- improve knowledge and transparency of production and the market,
- help to coordinate better the way products are placed on the market, in particular by means of research and market studies,
- provide the information and carry out the research necessary to adjust production towards products more suited to market requirements and consumer tastes and expectations, in particular with regard to product quality and protection to the environment,
- develop methods and instruments for improving product quality at all stages of production, vinification and marketing etc.